A. Evaluative Criteria: creative work, professional activity, research and scholarship
1. Markers of the highest value, impact, and significance in creative work, professional design activity, research, and scholarship are, but are not limited to:
1a Professional design activity, creative work, research, and scholarship that results in peer-reviewed national and/or international visibility for an individual or group of faculty members; Inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary research and creative scholarship is a driver for critical thinking, creativity and open innovation and has highest value to the department; if applicable inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary collaboration, including but not limited to academic, community, and/or student collaborators and co-authors.;
2a Design consulting work documented in a peer-reviewed publication that results in regional, national and/or international visibility for an individual or group of faculty members;
3a National or international honors received for professional design activity, creative work, research and scholarship
4a Presentation of a research or scholarly paper, or professional design activity or creative work, at national or international conferences with published proceedings of a full paper;
5a External federal, state, private-sector or foundation funding received as a PI (Project Investigator) or Co-PI (Co-Project Investigator), or as a Project-Lead, Co-Project Lead or Project-Manager or Project Co-Manager;
6a A critical review of a faculty member’s professional design activity, creative work, research or scholarship in publications with national and/or international visibility;
7a Peer-reviewed (refereed) publications in Journals of Learned Societies;
8a Peer-reviewed (refereed) publications in digital publications or digital venues;
9a Workshop presentations or lectures, peer-reviewed (refereed) at national or international venues;
10a Participation as a discussion panelist peer-reviewed (refereed) at national or international venues;
11a Single or group participation in regional, national or international gallery or museum exhibit as an invited or as a peer-reviewed (refereed) exhibitor;
12a A book published by a publisher with a well-established national or international reputation among the peers of a given Department of Design faculty member’s area;
13a A book chapter in peer-edited books or anthologies published by a publisher with a well- established national or international reputation among the peers of a given Department of Design faculty member’s area;
14a Citations of the professional design activity, creative work, research, and scholarship by a given Department of Design faculty member by his or her peers resulting in regional, national, and/or international visibility.
2. Markers of value, impact, and significance in professional design activity, creativework, research, and scholarship are, but not limited to:
1b Professional design activity, creative work, research and scholarship, peer-reviewed resulting in regional visibility;
2b Design consulting work documented in a peer-reviewed publication resulting in regional visibility for an individual or group of faculty members;
3b Regional honors received via peer-reviewed (refereed) processes that acknowledge the professional design activity, creative work, research or scholarship of an individual or group of faculty members;
4b Presentation of peer-reviewed research or scholarly paper, or professional design activity or creative work, at regional conferences with published proceedings or catalog;
5b Internal (i.e., from the university, the CVAD or the Department of Design), or regional funding for a professional design activity, creative work, research, and scholarship received as a PI (Project Investigator) or Co-PI (Co-Project Investigator), or as a Project-Lead, Co-Project Lead or Project-Manager or Project Co-Manager;
6b A critical review of a faculty members professional design activity, creative work, research or scholarship in publications with regional visibility;
7b Workshop presentation or lecture a peer-reviewed (refereed) at a regional venue;
8b Participation as a discussion panelist peer-reviewed (refereed) at a regional venue.