IV. CVAD Department of Design definitions of markers
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Design and artistic research is practice-based, practice-led research in design and the arts, which has developed rapidly in the last twenty years globally, is a key knowledge-base for design education in Higher Arts and Design Education Institutions (HAEIs). The Department of Design defines excellence in:
Creative/Professional/Scholarly Activities through evidence of engagement, demonstrating an emerging national reputation. Excellence is demonstrated by the inclusion of sustained activities from the Markers of the highest value, impact, and significance category appropriate to the faculty member’s workload percentages and the agreed faculty role in the Department of Design, the college, and university. An example of satisfaction of excellence would be constituted by the publication of two presented papers in conference proceedings and a published manuscript or juried exhibit of creative scholarship work per year.
Teaching Activities through evidence of engagement at the highest level supporting the academic mission of the Department of Design. Excellence is demonstrated by the inclusion of sustained activities from the Markers of the highest value, impact, and significance category appropriate to the faculty member’s workload percentages and the agreed faculty role in the Department of Design, the college, and university.
Service Activities through evidence of consistent and constructive engagement in department, college, university, and/or professional service. Excellence is demonstrated by sustained activities from the markers of value in the service category. The amount and type of service should be appropriate to the faculty member’s workload percentages and agreed faculty role in the Department of Design, the college, and university. It is noted that faculty pursuing tenure should place their emphasis on creative/professional and scholarly activities and teaching.