C. Evaluative Criteria: Service

1. Markers of the highest value in service include, but not limited to:

1e Regional, national or international honors received for services planned and rendered on behalf of organizations that serve the needs and/or aspirations of an individual Department of Design faculty member’s area/discipline;

2e Serving as an elected officer/board member in a regional, national or international organization supporting one or more of the disciplines of design;

3e Serving as a regional, national or international juror for a peer-reviewed (refereed) show, exhibit, catalog, anthology or competition that highlights designed outcomes from an individual faculty members’ or group of faculty members’ disciplinary area (Communication Design, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Interaction and User Experience Design, xREZ Art Science lab);

4e Serving as an editor or guest editor for a peer-reviewed, refereed journal of a learned society;

5e Serving on the editorial board of a peer-reviewed, refereed journal of a learned society;

6e Curational responsibilities for a show or exhibit of designed outcomes produced by designers, design researchers or design scholars from one or more of the disciplinary areas of Design and creative work outside or within UNT and or CVAD;

7e Chairing a committee at the university, college, department or external at regional, national or international level;

8e Reviewing submissions for peer-reviewed, refereed journals, or conferences, or book proposals;

9e Serving as an external reviewer for promotion and tenure.

2. Markers of value in service include, but not limited to:

1f Member of a committee, a task force at university, college, department or external at regional, national or international level;

2f Serving as Program Coordinator for designated CVAD Program, Communication Design, Fashion Design or Interior Design for either/both undergraduate and graduate-level programs;

3f Supervision of teaching assistants or teaching fellows, peer teaching observations, and peer faculty-student outcome evaluation.